What a magnificent event this year in Saline, MI. Gym America again put on an
impressive event at Saline High School.

To view your images, just go to the website listed on the paper that your
child received when they were dismissed from their group. Then, just type in
your QR code for access.

We had a challenge this year, as the names and QR codes were reassigned at
the event unbeknownst to my staff until it was too late. This only happened
with Preschool sessions one & two and the rest of the sessions went off as
they should’ve and all the QR codes should be fine.

If you pre-registered for the event as suggested earlier in the year, you
are good to go and will receive an email soon letting you know your photos are
ready for viewing. If you did not pre-register or did not pick up the QR sheet
for your child, you will need to contact Gym America to get your access code.
Those will be ready as soon as we can get them all reassigned. This
“new” QR code will be a general one for the whole group instead of a
unique one for your gymnast.

We’re sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause you but be assured
that we are doing our best to rectify this challenge.

After you have the proper QR code, you can just go to the website below to
view and order your photos.

Click here: www.capturedexpressions.gotphoto.com